Nancy Telephone # 916-773-1657
Psychic and Medium Certification Courses
  &     Minister in "Living God Ministry"  
(see below)
In 1992 Nancy was ordained a Minister in the Church of the Living God of Sedona Arizona. Nancy offers a fast five minute up to a 30 minute service, tailored to your special desires.

A Spiritualist minister she also offers a service for those wishing a non-domination wedding.

The above wedding was performed on top of a mountain in the Napa Black Forest during a thunder storm. The couple getting married and their witnesses were dressed in renaissance period cloth.

"Course" Certification  

 In my search for my own purpose and proof of soul survival, I obtained my Ministry from the Church of the Living God of Sedona Arizona in 1992. The courses needed to obtain my ministry and the Certification gave me a level of personal confidence, 
to continue with my own Ministry to help others. 
I have developed my own Certification courses, 
four separate Certifications:

Comprehensive courses to give you the confidence and foundation to work 
Your Purpose Helping Others.

Metaphysical Practitioner and Psychic Classes  $200.00
  Psychic Medium Course is $200.00
Ministry Certification  $300.00 US Dollars
Metaphysical Practitioner (coming soon)

This is actually the first of the series listed below to give a student an overview of the Psychic Universe and Mysteries yet to be confirmed by scientific means.  
This course is for the student who is desiring to know more about Psychic and Mediumship without training to be a "Reader, Councilor or Minister"  Being involved with the Spiritualist community and attending group functions with enough knowledge to participate with discussion groups and on-line forums.  Course CDs, DVD's will be listed shortly.  An additional  overview of this class is forthcoming.

Psychic Development (completed)

Trying to find your "on-purpose path" wanting to help others, but feel lost on how to do so.  Choosing Nancy's Psychic Development Course to freely help family and friends; or to create a new profession as a Professional Psychic, is your path to self-fulfillment and soul satisfaction.   
This step-by-step to psychic awakening to development stages has been written by Nancy to fulfill her dream of "sharing her knowledge" with others.  The course  includes 7 CD's and 1 DVD, plus a lengthy booklet of psychic development.  Nancy's package also includes information to be included on your web site, radio personality development and disclaimer information.   Some of the CDs, "Psychic Awareness, Energy Remote Healing, Energy Protection & Cleanings, Channeling, DVD Psychic Dev Class, Free Will vs. Destiny and more.  The written material will talk about meditation, psychic development techniques.

Mediumship (completed) 

As a natural or trained intuitive psychic you've become more aware of a "sense or presence" of Spirit People around you.  Nancy has created a 35 page How-To-Connect with Spirit Kind to fulfill your quest for Proof of Survival.  Whether you need answers to your After Life questions, or to answer questions asked by your clients or your personal quest to communicate with deceased family, this course will give you tools to accomplish these desired outcomes.
This course also includes audio and visual discs to further clarify steps covered in the written material.  Also, included in this package is a DVD of a lecture in Sacramento of the visual steps taken by newly deceased coming out of the body to that alternate universe of the After Life.  Ghosts, Spirit Animals, Talking to Angels, Reincarnation Talk, After Life Lecture, Radio Shows on Hitchhikers and one talking to Suzie Hitchhiker Possession.


Minister in the Living God Ministries (completed!)

This course is not to teach you to be a psychic or a medium, but to broaden your scope of Metaphysical Sciences.  As a Minister you will have additional information to cover with your clients or to train future students.  Questions that could be asked of you, involving metaphysical ideas other than psychic mediumship.    Most CDs, DVD's and written material included are different than the other offered classes, CDs Planned Events, Hitchhikers (Suzie), Reincarnation (Amy), Energy, Death and Transition,  Rescues,  God
This course also includes Weddings, Funerals, and Church Service Information.

"Certification of Ministry, Church of the Living God"



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I studied for my Direct Spirit Communicator Certification this year through Spiritualist Minister Nancy Matz. I felt Honored to obtain my Certification at the end of my studies from Nancy! I live in Australia and did Online Studies. I received Nancy's Books and several D.V.D's and C.D's with this Course. This Material was very educational and practical. Completing Nancy's course gave me New Confidence to start my own Career as a Medium. I am eternally grateful to Nancy for helping me develop my gifts as a Medium. It has changed my life for the better for both myself and my clients. Thank you Nancy!
Kelly May Cawdron
New  Minister under "Living God Ministries"
Rev. Gabrielle Crofts
Balga Perth Westen
[email protected]

Congtrats!  Rev. Nancy 
Summer 2009
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Wedding Black Forest CA around 2000 and Wedding  Las Vegas NV 10-10-10
Pay Buttons at "Readings Page"