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Nancy's E-Books
You've just heard Nancy on the Radio or Had a Session? And the information in one of her books is exactly want you need? E-Book Download is the fastest - no gas spent or shipping costs involved - book purchasing process!
More E-Books are coming! Keep checking for updates!
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Great News - I've just had new Editions printed and now these 3 books are offered in Kindle both here and England, Europe and Australia, and New Zealand!
New CD's and Classes are listed bottom of page.
Keep checking this site for new e-book and lecture materials!
Two Worlds: Developing Your Psychic Skills
(mailed copy) $6.00
Help! Get Me Out of this Funk!
Can't get motivated? In an uncontrollable funk? Feeling like there's a weight holding you down? Read of Debbie's struggle and awakening to her own power for success. Learn self-motivating tips and goals to apply to your life and for your own success story. A chapter dedicated to "Talking to our Angels" is a delicate balance of receiving help and exercising "Free Will."
Blog Talk Radio January 17, 2009
Great Show! Talk of Time Access and the "Funk"
This classroom talk deals with lessons of "Letting Go". From the birthing process, first love, first death, divorce and releasing children. Nancy deals with these subjects with humor, honesty and sincerity for those exploring these issues.
One of our greatest myths is to believe: "All you see, feel or hear is our only true reality." Nancy's powerful new thinking process of our true nature, will excite you to a new understanding of your life and the universal life force within us all.
Nancy challenges the idea that our Mind holds all our thoughts and memories; she says we co-live in past and future moments. Listen as she bring to you knowledge to balance the emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of your journey in Life.
"A Funny Thing Happened" MP3 $10.00
Frig. Magnet "The Pledge" $5.00
Have you made this same pledge?
to be purchased at events only
"Thank You for my Life and my Sanity
And if You Wish
I will Work For You the Rest of My Life"
Two Old Ladies meeting at a friend's grandchild's wedding. Amazed at seeing each other after all these years - they lie about their conquests and the "fatal" accident that makes them tell the truth.
This page was last updated: February 26, 2025
Psychic Development Course (completed) $200.00
Trying to find your "on-purpose path" wanting to help others, but feel lost on how to do so. Choosing Nancy's Psychic Development Course to freely help family and friends; or to create a new profession as a Professional Psychic, is your path to self-fulfillment and soul satisfaction.
This step-by-step to psychic awakening to development stages has been written by Nancy to fulfil her dream of "sharing her knowledge" with others. The course includes 7 CD's and 1 DVD, plus a lengthy booklet of psychic development. Nancy's package also includes information to be included on your web site, radio personality development and disclaimer information. Some of the CDs, "Psychic Awareness, Energy Remote Healing, Energy Protection & Cleanings, Channeling, DVD Psychic Dev Class, Free Will vs. Destiny and more. The written material will talk about meditation, psychic development techniques.
Advance Psychic & Mediumship $250.00 (completed)
As a natural or trained intuitive psychic you've become more aware of a "sense or presence" of Spirit People around you. Nancy has created a 35 page How-To-Connect with Spirit Kind to fulfill your quest for Proof of Survival. Whether you need answers to your After Life questions, or to answer questions asked by your clients or your personal quest to communicate with deceased family, this course will give you tools to accomplish these desired outcomes.
This course also includes audio and visual discs to further clarify steps covered in the written material. Also, included in this package is a DVD of a lecture in Sacramento of the visual steps taken by newly deceased coming out of the body to that alternate universe of the After Life. Ghosts, Spirit Animals, Talking to Angels, Reincarnation Talk, After Life Lecture, Radio Shows on Hitchhikers and one talking to Suzie Hitchhiker Possession

Minister, Living God Ministries completed $300
This course is not to teach you to be a psychic or a medium, but to broaden your scope of Metaphysical Sciences. As a Minister you will have additional information to cover with your clients or to train future students. Questions that could be asked of you, involving metaphysical ideas other than psychic mediumship. Most CDs, DVD's and written material included is different than the other offered classes, CDs Planned Events, Hitchhikers (Suzie), Reincarnation (Amy), Energy, Death and Transition, Rescues, God
This course also includes Weddings, Funerals, and Church Service Information.
$5.00 MP3 - Lecture Sacramento, steps Spirit from "Transition to Afterlife"
$5.00 BlogalkRadio - MP3-
Great talk on Ghosts!
Murphy Hotel
Offering and sending MP3s of talks below and will be lowering prices.
Death to Afterlife, Fairfield, CA
Lecture MP3 $5.00
Carter’s dreams are wild, sensual and exhausting,
She awakens, freezing; opening her eyes – she is horrified –
She is outside in a mud nest and naked!
Surviving a mid-plains Tornado, a young woman changes her life and moves to Tacoma WA to live with her Grandma.
During many mysterious events, Carter's meets a new love interest a local cop named Conner. Together they discover an ancient Indian legend, a secret cult worshiping an earth Goddess. The cult involving sacrifices and a hidden truth, where an unimaginable supernatural horror becomes real!
This Buy This Button is to purchase a hard "Signed" copy from me.
These below audios need to converted to MP3, please let me know of your interest and I'll immediately set up for mailing to you.